Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Turns Out Ken Griffey Jr.'s Silky Smooth Swing Also Applies to Golf

Griffey Stroking

No shock here, Griffey's flawless stroke translates beautifully to golf. Still not sure if I've fully gotten over his fall from greatness when he went to the Reds. I've said it before and I'll say it again: the worst decision any professional athlete can make is playing for a team in Ohio. That state sucks the life out of its franchises and its players. It's like one giant vortex of broken dreams and despair. Makes me wish LeBron stayed in Cleveland. At least we still have the highlight tapes to remember what Junior once was capable of. This is what torque looks like, folks. Pure, unadulterated torque.

Drop the hands, swing the hips, and let her fly. That's fundamentals right there.

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