Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Do NOT Ask Congressman Michael Grimm About His Campaign Finances

No seriously, don't fucking ask Michael Grimm about the allegations surrounding his campaign finances because he literally might throw you off a balcony or crack you in a half like a twig.  I got to admit I do feel bad for this reporter though, not because he got threatened or anything, just because now people are going to watch him being emasculated for the next month or so.  He's on film clearly being paralyzed by fear, standing frozen in place repeating "Why?" over and over like some sort of bumbling idiot.  Rough night for that guy.  Go to the State of the Union to talk to a few lame duck politicians and you end up having your life flash before your eyes because you forgot to vet the one dude you were going to ask a hard-hitting question to. That shit's on the internet now, bro, good luck living that down.

As far as Michael Grimm goes, turns out he's an ex-Marine that did a stint in Iraq during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm so his threats are 100% valid.  I thought he was just another stereotypical hardo from Brooklyn puffing his chest out, talking shit to the skinny little nerd who can't defend himself. Nope, the man has legitimately killed people before and if you bring up his campaign finances he might be forced to do it again. Next time just ask Grimm about health care or something, throw him a softball.  Save the hard hitting questions for someone like Rep. John Dingell*.

*I have no idea who John Dingell is, I just googled "oldest serving congressman." He's 87 and even has a cane. Crazy old.  Definitely not the kind of guy who's about to throw anyone off a balcony.  Like if you asked me if there was any one person in the world that I think would spontaneously crack in half I would say it's going to be John Dingell.

Credit where credit is due though.  John's wife, Debbie, is about 30 years younger than him and actually ain't a bad looking older lady.  Dingell, you cheeky old fuck.

PS - Debbie is such a great wife/mom name. Deb, so hot right now Deb.

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