Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Newport Beach Bro Might Be the Worst Pet Owner of All Time

(Source) - A schoolteacher was arrested after police found more than 400 pythons inside his suburban home. Only two of the pythons were alive.

Police officers searched the home of William Buchman, a 53-year-old teacher at an elementary school in Newport Beach, California, after neighbors complained about a "god-awful" stench. In addition to the hundreds of dead snakes spread throughout the five-bedroom house, officers also discovered dozens of mice and rats.

"The smell alone — I feel like I need to take a shower for a week," Cpl. Anthony Bertagna said,according to the Associated Press. "They're pretty much in all the bedrooms — everywhere."

Neighbors believed someone might have died inside the house. "We thought someone was dead," Forest Long, who lives next door, told the Los Angeles Times. "We couldn't open up the bedroom windows. My wife started to gag and throw up."

The Longs suspect Buchman became lonely after the recent death of his mother. "We didn't see him much," Long said, adding that they called him the "rat man" because of the frequent deliveries of rodents to his home.

Authorities from animal control had previously tried to gain access to the home but Buchman refused. He faces several animal cruelty charges.

This is one instance where I'm actually happy that a person sucks at taking care of his pets.  400 snakes locked up in some suburban home is the definition of a horror movie waiting to happen.  The rest of the neighborhood is just lucky that William Buchman is too incompetent to keep these things alive.  I don't care how bad it smells, once animal control got in there and saw there were hundreds of snakes surrounding them, I'll bet any amount of money a huge sigh of relief spread throughout the room once they realized all but 2 were dead.  And for future reference Bill, maybe after failing 398 times it's time to give up on being a pet owner.  Pretty sure it's not really "your thing."  If you're going to be addicted to something take up porn or meth.  Bro, nobody wants to hang out with the guy who's addicted to hanging out with dead pythons.  No joke, I'd rather spend time down in Florida with a group of homeless guys on bath salts who haven't had a meal in days while wearing a taco suit than chill with some weirdo who locks himself up in his house with a bunch of fucking snakes and rats.  That's just a whole new level of strange.

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