Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Is Anyone Looking to Hire an Idea Man? Because I'm 100% Unemployed and That's Kind of My Bread and Butter Now

Is anyone in the market for an "Idea Man?" I've been legit googling to see if its an actual position but I'm pretty sure it's not. And by pretty sure I mean it definitely 100% isn't. Huge letdown, oh well guess you can't win 'em all. I initially suggested one idea to Kmarko from Barstool during his intern hunt that they should use Snapchat to have smokes and college bros send in pics. Genius, right? That's probably why they ate that shit up and put it into action a few weeks later. No matter what, it was eventually going to happen whether I suggested it or not so I'm just glad we all get to experience it sooner rather than having to wait for them to figure it out for themselves. God only knows how long that could have taken.

Anyhow, after they found use of that one I figured fuck it, why not toss another one their way? Barstool Late Night. Think about it. A huge percentage of Stoolies are college kids and young cube monkeys being forced to slave away deep into the night, so maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have a blogger post some new stuff later on in the evening and even blog into the late nighttime hours. That way people won't have to sift through the day-old blogs looking for something new to read. Maybe I'm just being dumb and the extra content the Stool is working with now is more than enough for the Stoolies, but personally I would have liked new things to read when I was up studying or doing homework back at school. Just get one or two guys to toss up a few blogs an hour between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. CT, so then when it's all said and done Barstool would be pumping new stuff onto the interweb for a full 19-20 hours out of the day. I dare you to name one other smut blog that does that. Oh shit that's right, you can't.

PS - So now that we've established that I specialize in ideas related to maximizing the efficiency of smut blogs who wants to hire me for their think-tank?

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