Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Great News, Derrick Rose Can Still Play Basketball!

Whoops sorry, that might be a little bit of an overstatement. What I meant to say was that Derrick Rose can still play basketball just as long as "playing basketball" means standing in one spot and taking shots without jumping or moving at all. So basically back to 100%, right? Moving is such an overrated part of the game. This isn't even really blogworthy, but at this point I'm just kind of amazed every time I see that Derrick Rose can still walk. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy and I'm loyal as fuck* so I'll have faith until all hope is utterly lost, but his knees aren't exactly what I would call "durable."

Meanwhile, the Bulls are looking like they will make the playoffs despite the fact that they have one of the most depleted makeshift rosters in the league. The fact that Tom Thibodeau finished 8th in Coach of the Year voting last year is absolutely appalling. With little to no legitimate offensive talent this year, Thibs has once again willed his team to grind out games day in and day out. No matter who they play, the game is going to be hard-fought and it's going to be close. If you don't like it then that sucks for you, but that's the only way this team can win games, and they are doing just that. I'll admit I was on the Tank Team for awhile but god damnit if it isn't fun to watch Joakim and his nonstop motor claw for every fucking possession on the court. We've got a team full of scrappers on our hand, and I for one have no problem tuning to watch a dogfight. It sure as shit ain't gonna be pretty, but this team understands better than anyone that, in this league, a win is a win and we will take every fucking one that we can get.

*I find myself relating my personality to a dog pretty much all the time. Loyal, playful, every once in awhile I drool on myself/others, things like that. I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing. Dogs are sick though so it has to be a good thing, right? Right, yeah, of course it is, don't be silly Slim. People love dogs. People love you, bro. Dogs. Great. Cool.

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