Monday, November 11, 2013

You can ride the subway for free in Moscow just as long as you pump out a quick 30 squats first

(Source) - Get ready to drop down and give 30 squats if you want to ride the Moscow metro.

In an effort to promote both the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Sochi and physical fitness, Moscow city officials and the Russian Olympic Committee are allowing subway riders to pay 30 squats instead of 30 rubles (about 92 cents) for a trip on the train.

Riders perform the squats in front of a special machine which can tell if the person is in the correct position. The machine is located right next to the electronic vending machines at Vystavochnaya station in western Moscow.

Russians never skip leg day.  You call it an effort to promote physical fitness, I call it a ploy to hide your military training in plain sight.  Potato, tomato*.

PS - I'll never ever step foot in Russia, place absolutely terrifies the shit out of me.  But if I did happen to live in Moscow I'm dropping the dollar every single time to avoid doing these squats.  Russians might not skip leg day but I sure as fuck do.

PPS - Russian mom butt

*I know that its "potato potahto" but when I was a little kid that didn't make sense to me so I just said "potato tomato" instead.  People don't really say anything about it so I just haven't stopped.

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