Friday, November 15, 2013

Customer Refuses to Tip Because She Can't Stand Queerbos

(Source) - It takes a special kind of asshole to deny a server a tip, but the world is filled with special assholes, lacking brains and compassion but wielding credit cards, pens, and a holy sense of self-righteousness.

Dayna Morales, a former Marine and now a server at Gallop Asian Bistro in Bridgewater, N.J., served one of these assholes on Wednesday. As she wrote in an email to "Have a Gay Day," the trouble began when she approached a couple and their two small children in the restaurant:

         I introduce myself and tell them my name is Dayna - the mom proceeds to look at me and say "oh I                    thought you were gonna say your name is Dan. You sure surprised us!"

Surprise! Her name is Dayna and you're a bitch! But it got worse when, after settling the $93.55 tab, Morales discovered that the customer left hateful bullshit in lieu of a tip:

           "Sorry, I cannot tip because I do not agree with your lifestyle and the way you live your life."  

Morales expressed her anger in a widely-circulated email, writing, "I am THOROUGHLY offended mad pissed off and hurt that THIS is what her kids will grow up learning and that I served in the Marines to keep ignorant people like them free."

But when people offered their support on Facebook, she graciously thanked everyone for their encouragement while also adding, "Not gonna lie if kids weren't there it would of been a totally different story."

Is this a thing now?  Can you just ditch out on tipping as long as you leave a brief explanation about how it's only because you're a bigot?  Like the ultimate "It's not you, it's me."  Oh no, sweetheart, the service was great. You were great.  But unfortunately you also happen to be a big rugmuchin' bull dyke so I just flat out can't tip you because of my own homophobia/religious righteousness.  Sorry!

God, if this is the case I might just start fake being a xenophobe just to save that extra 20%.  That shit adds up.  Oh you're black/Middle Eastern/Asian/Jewish/Hispanic/Irish?  Shit dude are you serious?  Damn, I hate your entire fucking race, can't tip you now I guess.  My bad bro, otherwise I totally would.

What did the culprit look like exactly?  About a thousand years old?  Bug eyed?  Hates Todd for being a homo?

PS - The Urban Dictionary definition for "queerbo" is described eloquently as fuck:

1. queerbo
a person who acts gayer than gay gayerson but, who isn't always gay.
Jacque is the queerbo who stole my flowers.

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