Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Today in Desperation

Quick question: at what point does one finally begin to consider the move to prostitutes, because I think I'm basically there. It's getting to the point where every time the word "hooker" or "prostitute" makes it's way into the conversation, my ears perk up. To set the record straight, I get with girls, but its sparingly (even that's generous) and I'm basically like early Lebron, great for three quarters can't finish to save his life. Carlos Marmol's another good sports comparison, just flat out cannot fucking close. So I got to thinking about when if I ever do happen to make the leap into chickenheads, when would that be? Definitely not soon, way too broke. It would be fiscally irresponsible at this point in my life I'm not about to bite off more than I can chew, but 5 years, maybe 10? After marriage? During marriage!? When do the cravings start? How bad do they get? Would it be a monthly or yearly deal? Honestly though my problem is that I'm way too picky, I would want the really high class good looking ones. If I do it, I want to do it big, ya know, but those gals don't come cheap. Gotta pay top dollar if you want the best. And even though this is just me bullshitting out of boredom, I'd be lying if I said I'm not curious.

Frank gets it.

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