Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Potential for this Big Cat vs. Rovell game is MASSIVE

So last night Darren Rovell, or as Barstool's Big Cat affectionately refers to him, D, decided to follow through on a one-on-one basketball challenge and gave a time and everything.  Obviously getting a gym or court with lights at midnight isn't as convenient as it may seem, most parks turn their lights out around 10-11. Most gyms are closed with their keys in the hands of people who aren't stoolies which means they more than likely won't accomodate.  But it's gonna happen, has to.  Big Cat's a go getter, he's gonna make sure to take care of what needs to be done.  Here's the thing though. Rovell is terrible at basketball, like awful.  When I was in 5th grade I was lightyears ahead of his game, and I was a subpar bench player so to sum it up he's pretty fucking bad.  I've honestly never seen anyone worse in my life.  If Big Cat manages to videotape this and make Rovell look even worse than he has before (completely plausible), I think there's a small chance it could overtake the still-undefeated butt-fumble on ESPN's Not Top Ten.  Imagine over and over watching Rovell flop and trip all over the court with a mustachio'd Big Cat laughing at the uncoordination (not a word, don't care).  How could ESPN resist? They'd be considered poor sports, can't have that kinda publicity when a massive rival network just got launched, no way.

P.S. kinda feel bad for Rovell, but then I realized he brought this on himself. He should've given up basketball after this showing, just piss poor effort.

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