Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gotta admit, kinda offended here

So earlier today on Barstool KFC blogged about what each of the 50 states is supposedly the worst at. He mentioned how Illinois should be murder because Chicago's the so-called murder capital of the world but didn't really dwell on it too much because the guy's got 49 more states to go, he can't be getting caught up in one thing....I don't have that same problem. What the fuck dude? I'm not saying that Chicago doesn't have shitloads of robberies because when I was a kid I got mugged, and I've literally been in a race against time once when I was 11 and had four unique kids chasing me down trying to get my bike (Dyno with pegs, yes they got it). But murders are our thing. That's Illinois' bread and butter. Sure, nobody wants to be that state, the "murder" state, but how the fuck are we supposed to solve the problem if we're not even acknowledging it as our main concern? Couldn't we just give New York robbery and slap a big, bold "MURDER" over the Land of Lincoln, I think we need to compromise on this one. I wanna see murder up there where murder damn well belongs.

PS - North Datoka = Fugglyville, USA

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